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Thursday, 23 January 2014

How To Upload Files For Download in Blogger

Blogger is one of the best blogging CMS (Content Management System) which is being used all over the universe. The main feature of this platform is that it is free of hosting which means we just need to purchase domain only without hosting if domain is required otherwise we can also use free sub-domain. Well, when we create blog post, sometimes we need to upload data/files for public download

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

How To Use Font Awesome Icons in Blogger

In the Graphic and Web Design icons are such elements which gives beauty to the design. The use of icons in designs is increasing day by day as they're more profitable. About blog themes and templates, icons are also being used in them but mostly those icons are images. Some themes have low quality icons with dull icon design and colors and other themes also have high quality flat and metro

Sunday, 12 January 2014

5 Important Blogger Widgets Everyone Must Use

Widgets and plugins are also part of our blog which are used for making blog more functional. After template, we also need to implement some widgets in our blog. Newbies might be aware of some important widgets but everyone must use some important widgets due to some reasons and we'll describe them below. There are many different widgets for blogger out there on the internet such as social

Saturday, 11 January 2014

5 Places To Buy Blogger Templates Online

These days Blogger platform is growing day by day as thousands of blogs are created on Blogger by people from all over the world. Yeah! That's true that those can also be spam blogs but Blogger automated classification system will face them and there are also well known popular and successful blogs hosted at Blogger. Well, After we've created blog; it's also problem to use proper template of

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

How To Remove Locked Widgets in Blogger

Blogger is a flexible blogging platform where we can do the things easily. Unlike WordPress and other platforms, you can easily edit any part of your blog easily with Blogger and can also do hacks with it if you've a bit web developing knowledge. There are many free and paid blogger templates which you can use to beautify your blog but one thing you might have faced while applying new

Saturday, 4 January 2014

How To Setup Feedburner Email Subscription in Blogger

When someone creates a new blog, it requires some hard in initial days like building content, choosing proper blog theme, doing SEO, creating social accounts, promoting blog, setting email subscription and many more. When the time comes for email subscription, most of newbies get confused that which email service they should use for their blog as there are many free and paid feed email

Friday, 3 January 2014

Top 5 Free Best Backlink Checker Tools

Being a blogger and webmaster, It's important to learn the basics of search engine optimization. We've discussed many things about SEO for newbies and also for pros. If you're known a bit to SEO then you might have heard about backlinks. We've also written several posts about backlinks which are how to increase backlinks, nofollow and dofollow links, get high PR backlinks and many more. Well

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

How To Add Reddit Button in Blogger

For choosing the perfect theme of our blog it's important to check several things like Layout Design, Responsiveness, SEO Friendly, Ad Spaces and many more but social media buttons are also now required while choosing theme. The reason is simple, Social buttons and plugins gives more benefit to our blog traffic and I think the reason everybody knows, when we've social buttons in blogs,

Saturday, 28 December 2013

How Do I Drive Traffic From Google+ To My Blogs?

“ Traffic is a soul of blog If no traffic, blog is dead - Mohammed Yaqoob ” The today's topic forced me to write my quote which defines blog traffic with a real life example. No doubt, Traffic is soul of your blog and if you've no traffic than it is almost equal to dead blog. Well, There are many ways to drive traffic towards blog like Search Engine Optimization, Social Promotion, Advertising,

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Embed PowerPoint Presentation in Blogger With SlideShare

Putting something new in blog posts like giveaways, special document files, infographics, premium videos and presentations is always best thing and blog readers will not get bored by reading articles all the time. It means we should not always write articles but try to come with new way of presenting content as more as we can and that's only because blog readers should not get bored just like

Monday, 23 December 2013

How To Change Title Of 404 Error Page in Blogger

As the internet is growing day by day, blogging platform is also getting height each day. Many new things have happened in this year with Blogger and also with those blogs which are hosted on like many new widgets are released such as Wikipedia Search widget, Contact Form widget etc. And there have also made some changes to Blogger design. That all proves that Blogger

Friday, 20 December 2013

How To Do Keyword Research?

It is important for every blogger to do search engine optimization in order to drive organic and best traffic towards the blog. If I describe the whole process of SEO in a single sentence then it will be like this. "Understand the process of indexing and ranking webpages by search engines and optimize your blog friendly for that whole process". In case there are many things that we do with SEO

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Earn Money By Hosting Giveaways on Your Blog

These days, it's a dream of every blogger to make a big income monthly with his/her blog. We've shared many methods to monetize your blog such as make money with Google Adsense, Yahoo Bing Ads Network, Web Hosting Affiliate Programs, Email Subscribers List, Web Design and Development etc. but today I'm going to share another method for you. You guys might have heard about hosting giveaways on

Friday, 13 December 2013

How To Add Beautiful Flat UI Buttons in Blogger

As we all know that having a professional design of a blog is necessary these days as it gives several benefits. Bloggers and webmasters are trying to make their blog design better applying free or paid themes on their blogs and websites. The theme or design of a blog should be beautiful to look and have several features like easy interface for user, SEO friendly, Ad space ready, the colors

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Customized Colorful Flat UI Labels Cloud Widget For Blogger

Improving the appearance of blog like bringing awesomeness and professionalism to blog templates and themes is always best. Because there are several reasons for this like getting approval from big advertising companies such as Google Adsense and BuySellAds. There are several professional templates on the internet which we can use but it might not have uniqueness because they're made for